A priori -- a word for the information age.
a pri•or•i 1. reasoning from cause to effect 2. knowledge existing in the mind independent of experience. More ...

Think global,
Act local.
A priori is an important concept in an information society, where we live in two worlds: A local world and a global world. The local world is the traditional real world where you walk, run, eat, carry, feel gravity and interact with people -- face-to-face. Your global world is the world that is changed by people you don't even know. It is the world that is more competitive each day. It is the world that makes products obsolete before you have the chance to really use them. But it is also the world that allows you to talk to friends and family thousands of miles away. It is the world that allows you to see a product on

Amazon.com, buy it, and have it shipped the next day. It is a world that allows you to see current video news or sports from any city's network news website or see photos of friends or family from anywhere in the world.
A priori skills are valuable because reasoning and visualization without experience is a necessary skill in a world that is increasingly global, remote and virtual.
With Aprioriathletics, you don't just learn cookie cutter techniques, you learn the rationale and the reasoning of how your body works in your local, physical world and how technology works in your global, virtual world.
Ultimately you synergize these two worlds together for your best human performance.
The mission of Aprioriathletics is to improve human performance and health in sports, occupations, business, family life and personal life.
The mission is accomplished with understanding and practical application of the following fields of study:
Cognitive Psychology
Computer Science
Exercise Physiology
Human Factors

Aprioriathletics.com (created in 1998) is the original website for Apriori, Inc. The original website is undergoing renovation to become the company information site, with unrefined fitness & ergonomics, research and thinktank-type information. Click here for the original Aprioriathletics.com design.
Evolving from Aprioriathletics.com are several consumer-oriented sites and brands with specific missions that are classified as 'Think Global' websites and 'Act Local' Websites.
The 'Think Global' websites are fitness and technology oriented websites for worldwide audiences listed in the next column.
The 'Act Local' websites are community websites related to the Aprioriathletics hometown of Arlington Heights, IL, and the Chicago metropolitan area. They are listed in the far-right column.

Interested in learning how to become a personal trainer? If you would like to know what it is like to be a personal trainer and understand important things to know about becoming a personal trainer, check out ...
Be-A-Trainer.com. Be sure to check out the section on books for personal trainers.
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Exercise-Reports.com offers an online exercise journal and online personal training.
Keep an exercise log, notes, milestones, goals and information.

Exercise-Registry.net is a listing of exercises with details of use and description of motion. Coming late 2006.

CoolFitnessGifts.com is an online gift store of fitness products. Products are categorized by topic, such as cardio, resistance, flexibility, core, wellness, sports specific and more.

FitnessMath.com is a fun learning site that uses Google calculators to teach about fitness math equations that are used to calculate calories burned, temperature conversion, weight room math and much more.

Keeping up with technology is not easy.
Digital-lifestyle.com is a great help for the technology side of human performance.

ChicagoFanfare.com has your fan necessities for Chicago teams. This site is global because we know there are Cubs fans all over the world. And certainly the World Champion Chicago White Sox have some new global fans! This site has a little local character, too. Yes, we have an entertainment gig that plays fanfare and pop music for charity events and sporting events (triathlons, bike races, baseball and softball games). See also SUPERSTARPARTY.COM, at right. |

Arlingtoncards.com is the most complete directory of business, shopping, dining, government, health, recreational and historical resources for people who live, work and play in Arlington Heights, Illinois.
Arlingtoncards.com has a global reach with local connections to community, history and tradition.

Arlingtoncards.com Around Town section has over 90 categories of links to shopping, education, sports, outdoors, health, government, entertainment and more.

The Cardinal or Arlingtoncardinal.net is a great landing page for getting the local news for Arlington Heights, IL.

Arlingtoncardinal blog works in tandem with The Cardinal. This is a great source of news and directory information for Arlington Heights.

ChicagoSportsWeather.com is a good resource for understanding the effect of weather on sports. Does high humidity mean more home runs? Excellent information on keeping warm or staying cool.

Arlingtonathletics.com is the personal training brand name for Arlington Heights and the northwest suburbs of Chicago.
Arlingtonathletics.com offers onsite personal training to athletes and individuals who value the importance of exercise and health promotion as part of their lifestyle.

If you like music, especially with a sporting life, check this out ...